Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Ararat Prehistoric Site: The Personalities.

Below are the personalities that support the discovery and research of the Ararat prehistoric site and those that are against the preservation of these archaeological loci.

The reason I am being so forthright is because this prehistoric site is extremely important. It is very rare that archaeologists locate a site exhibiting the preservation of organic remains. This site has it all: seeds, wood architecture, containers made of organic materials, textiles and cords made of vegetal material, and wood and bone tools. These artifacts are in addition to more readily preserved archaeological remains such as lithic tools, debitage (flakes), and ceramic containers (in Locus 4). 

Sadly, a group of individuals has systematically targeted archaeologists and government officials who are attempting to protect, conserve, and conduct further research at the site. 

These individuals are defaming and denigrating a very important archaeological site because of they are involved in a fraudulent excavation or because of philosophical and religious bias.  

Who is Joel Klenck?

I am the archaeologist that completed the first preliminary archaeological report of the Ararat prehistoric sites. I infiltrated every organization, both for and against the discovery, and am bringing all the information concerning the site to the historic preservation and archaeological communities and the general public.

In the end, we will prevail but it is going to be a tough contest before Turkish and international historic preservation organizations and the archaeological community begin the preservation and research at the Ararat prehistoric sites.

As an archaeologist it is my duty to mitigate the loss of prehistoric and historic properties through conservation and site protection efforts.

Until now I have generally not responded to personal attacks, to preserve the Ararat archaeological sites from poaching by local populations and enthusiasts. Also, this factor provided me enough time to author and submit the necessary preliminary reports to Turkish, international, and academic archaeological authorities. Now that the archaeological reports have been submitted, I will relentlessly respond to each attack against this prehistoric site and the scholars and officials that are trying to preserve and study this locale.

I will continue to counter the adversaries of the preservation and scientific study of the Ararat prehistoric sites until the sites are properly protected and mitigation efforts are established to inhibit small-scale artifact removal from the site, prevent general looting of the locales by local populations or religious enthusiasts seeking relics, and prevent the site’s destruction by the effects of a melting glacier and permafrost.

I ask that you do whatever you can do to support the preservation and scientific research of the Ararat prehistoric sites.

Who is Amy Beam?

Amy Beam is a 65-year-old woman (born in 1948). Beam offered Kurdish men, in eastern Turkey, internet marketing platforms in exchange for a percentage of their monies from foreign tourists. 

Beam was (and is) the partner of Murat Sahin, a convicted murderer who spent nine years in a Turkish prison, and with his brother managed the monies of a Noah’s Ark hoax led by a Randall Price, a professor from Liberty University.

See Link to Price-Sahin-Beam Ark Fraud.

Amy derived her profit by collecting monies from fraudulent Noah’s Ark searches. She is an enemy of any scientist or government official trying to preserve or research the Ararat prehistoric sites and was forcibly deported from Turkey.

Beam’s reason for defaming the Ararat prehistoric sites are money and passion. She is collecting funds from the Price-Bright-Patton fraudulent Noah’s Ark excavation and is being manipulated by her partner, Murat Sahin, a convicted murderer.

Amy Beam's legacy will be that due to greed and manipulation by an ex-convict partner, she harassed scientists, the public, and government officials in order to delay the study and preservation of an extremely important archaeological site.

Who is Murat Sahin?

Murat is a convicted killer that spent nearly a decade in a Turkish prison.

During the trial, Murat Sahin claimed that he was defending himself against an attack. The family of the murdered man stated that Murat Sahin stabbed his victim to death at the Murat Camping Restaurant because the victim refused to pay for a beer—for which the victim was incorrectly charged.

Murat Sahin, his brother, Sayim Sahin (see below), and Amy Beam, obtain much of the money from the Price-Bright- Patton Noah’s Ark Dig fraud.

Murat Sahin personally told me that his organization pays bribes to the local military police and government officials. Despite his claims, Murat Sahin and his brother were jailed and Amy Beam was deported from Turkey. 

Who is Randall Price?

In terms of the science of archaeology, Professor Randall Price of Liberty University is a despicable person. He knew that the Ararat prehistoric sites were something special with regard to archaeology and yet used all his influence and the reputation of Liberty University to prevent the protection, preservation, and research of a prehistoric site on Mount Ararat.

He wrote a letter to Clara Wei and communicated with others, after he publicly denigrated the archaeological sites on Mount Ararat, asking the location of the sites and noting their archaeological significance.

Price is a pure hypocrite and his motivations are greed, fraud, and revenge.

First, Randall Price committed and is committing a fraud. Randall Price is raising money for a sham excavation—a fraudulent Noah’s Ark dig—a hole in the ice where no cultural remains have been found.

An Empty Hole--Randall Price's Five-Year Fraudulent Noah's Ark Dig

See Link to Price-Sahin-Beam Ark Fraud.

[See link to document below showing the Price-Sahin-Beam Noah's Ark Fraud]

Randall Price and his team raised millions of dollars from various American and Australian Christian believers. Much of these monies are being funneled into the bank accounts of Murat Sahin, the ex-convict and murderer, and Amy Beam, his partner.

One of Prices’ motives is revenge. Because he believes he was cheated out of money by Ahmet "Parasut" Ertegrul  (see below), who refused to show him the location of the Ararat archaeological site, he told Parasut and NAMI that he would defame the prehistoric loci.

Several things are wrong with this picture. First, Randall Price attempted to pay someone to take photographs of an archaeological site. Professional archaeologists get paid—they do not pay to do archaeological work.

Second, if a professional archaeologist is not accepted at a site—he or she moves on to the next archaeological job. Professional archaeologists do not defame a prehistoric or historic site—saying that it does not exist—because they are not selected as part of the survey team.

Third, professional archaeologists do not defame archaeological sites if they know the site exists and believe the locale is an important archaeological locale.

When everything about the Ararat sites is finally revealed, Liberty University should consider terminating Price and hiring an ethical and professional archaeologist to fill Price’s position. Avarice, fraud, revenge, and the defamation of archaeological sites should not be the qualities of a Liberty University archaeology professor.

What is Liberty University?

Liberty University is a Christian university that promoted Randall Price to be a professor of archaeology when he:

1. Continues to commit a fraud, by raising money for a Noah’s Ark fraudulent excavation—an empty hole in the ice on Mount Ararat.

2. Defames a true archaeological site, preventing the preservation and analysis of prehistoric locales threatened by looting and melting glacial ice.

3. Is routing money from Christian believers to a convicted murderer (Murat Sahin) and Murat’s 65-year-old partner (Amy Beam), to conduct a hoax: a fraudulent excavation for Noah’s Ark.

Liberty University needs to investigate Price and the monies he is collecting, where these monies are going, and his fraudulent Noah’s Ark excavation, before these facts become a major embarrassment to the University and further damages their reputation.

What is Paleobabble and Michael Heiser?

Michael Heiser, who publishes a blog “Paleobabble,” actively supports the Price-Bright-Patton fraudulent Noah’s Ark dig. Further, he is an enemy of the Ararat prehistoric site and scientists attempting to preserve and research these important archaeological loci.

Paleobabble is supporting a fraudulent sham excavation for Noah’s Ark and is defaming an actual prehistoric archaeological site.

This allegedly secular, pro-science blog has somehow morphed into being a proponent for a fraud committed by a professor digging an empty hole to Noah’s Ark, while defaming an actual archaeological site.

Who is Richard Bright?

A key participant in the Noah’s Ark fraud, led by Randall Price. A former commercial pilot, he has ascended Mount Ararat dozens of times looking for Noah’s Ark and found no cultural remains. Richard Bright is an active participant in a Noah’s Ark fraud—digging an empty hole in the ground on Mount Ararat looking for Noah’s Ark.

Richard Bright is an adversary of the Ararat prehistoric sites and scientists attempting to preserve and study these archaeological loci because he is profiting from the Price-Bright-Patton Noah’s Ark fraudulent excavation.

Who is Eric Klein?

Eric Klein is an academic archaeologist, who joined Amy Beam, Murat Sahin, Creation Ministries International, and the Price-Bright-Patton Noah’s Ark fraud in trying to discredit the Ararat prehistoric sites.

Eric Klein is an individual who is generally hostile to any archaeological site that is associated with a religious account. If a site is associated with a religious belief, Klein attempts to defame the site as being non-existent and any scientists trying to preserve and study these sites or artifacts as pseudo-archaeologists.

Because of the Ararat prehistoric site's association with a religious account, Klein has made every opportunity to harm the site and the reputation of scientists that are trying to preserve the prehistoric structures and artifacts.

Klein believes he is a crusader against pseudo-archaeology (non-scientific adventurism), but like a crusader he has committed a cultural atrocity by defaming a true archaeological site and delaying the preservation and study of the Ararat archaeological loci that are threatened by looting and a rapidly melting glacier.

Klein should support the preservation of material culture, but instead he is actively participating—with a convicted murder (Murat Sahin), his partner (Amy Beam)—to prevent the preservation and research of an extremely important prehistoric archaeological site on Mount Ararat. Moreover, Klein is involved with the greatest pseudo-archaeology fraud in the history of archaeology—an excavation through and empty hole in the ice to find Noah’s ark.

[See link below showing the Price-Sahin-Beam Noah's Ark Fraud]

Who is Don Patton?

A key participant in the Noah’s Ark fraud, led by Randall Price. As a member of a self-authored young-earth-creationist cult, he has ascended Mount Ararat dozens of times looking for Noah’s Ark and found nothing.

Don Patton is an active participant in a Noah’s Ark fraud—digging an empty hole in the ground on Mount Ararat looking for Noah’s Ark—and profiting from this bogus, fraudulent hoax.

Don Patton is an adversary of the Ararat prehistoric sites and any scientist attempting to preserve and study these archaeological loci because he is profiting from the Price-Bright-Patton fraudulent Noah’s Ark excavation and does not want to have his money from his fraud diminished by a true excavation at an actual archaeological site.

Don Patton has also accused Turkish officials of accepting bribes in support of the Ararat prehistoric sites. 

The problem: The Turkish officials were doing their job by correctly supporting historic preservation efforts.

Patton’s attacks are analogous to attacks on state historic preservation officers or department of antiquities' officials for supporting the preservation and mitigation of archaeological sites.

What are Young Earth Creationists ("YEC")?

Young earth creationists belief the universe, earth, and all life was created around 4,004 B.C.

Most young earth creationist organizations are resolutely against the Ararat prehistoric site and claim the site is a hoax.

Several Comments:

Biased Reporting

Most of the YEC crowd do not report the fund raising for a fraudulent ark dig perpetrated by Liberty University, Randall Price, and others while Price, Beam, the Sahin brothers, and Patton degraded the Ararat prehistoric site and individuals trying to facilitate protection, preservation, and research at the Ararat archaeological locale.

Most of YEC crowd do not mention the facts of the case: 

1. Murat Sahin's criminal convictions:

a. Murder of Yavuz Tasdemir.
b. Malicious wounding of Çetin Tasdemir. Murat and Murat's cousin, held down Çetin and cut off Çetin's ear with a knife for paying only one Turkish Lira for a two-lira beer.
c. Negligent wounding of Mehmet Çetin Kaya by removing his jaw with a shotgun.

2. Amy Beam's expulsion from Turkey for associations with terrorism. 

3.  Randall Price, Don Patton, and Richard Bright's ark fraud. These individuals raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for a fraudulent Noah's ark dig.

See Link to Price-Sahin-Beam Ark Fraud.

[See link to document below showing the Price-Sahin-Beam Noah's Ark Fraud]


Most of the YEC crowd is following biblical parallels of individuals persecuting people that were telling the truth because it conflicted with the persecutors' expectations and beliefs. 

Here, the YEC crowd most wanted to find Noah's ark, a prehistoric barge on Mount Ararat.

Now, that an archaeological site on Mount Ararat comprises a large prehistoric site with wood architecture, most of the religious YEC crowd are among the first to persecute this defenseless locale and individuals trying to protect and research this site.


In every nation there are laws protecting historic or archaeological sites. 

In eastern Turkey there are hundreds of archaeological sites with parallels to the architecture and artifacts at the Ararat archaeological site.

Also, in the mid-1800s, an earthquake destroyed and buried a village on the north side of Mount Ararat.

While the YEC crowd could have responsibly objected to the Ararat site being an ordinary archaeological or historic site, instead they irresponsibly claimed the site was a hoax.

By claiming the Ararat site was a hoax, some in the YEC crowd could be legally liable because their hoax claim inhibited the protection, preservation, and research of an actual archaeological or historic site. 

The Ararat site is open to systematic looting and decomposition of organic artifacts and architecture (e.g., wood and seeds) partially because many in the YEC crowd fanned the flames of derision for the site and inhibited the locale's study by archaeologists and conservationists.

Who is Sayim Sahin?

Murat’s brother who is the co-manager of Murat Camping. Sayim profits from the Price-Bright-Patton fraudulent Noah’s Ark dig.

Who is Murat Camping?

Murat Camping is a camp-motel that is managed by Murat and Sayim Sahin in Dogubayazit, in eastern Turkey. This is the base camp for the fraudulent Noah’s Ark excavation led by Price, Bright, and Patton.


It is my duty as a professional archaeologist to mitigate the loss of historic properties and archaeological sites.

I cannot and will not run from this conflict. I will not deny the site and will use every legal means to protect, preserve, and facilitate research at this archaeological locale.

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